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In Depth: China Struggles to Wean Itself off Bear Bile Farming

By Yang Yuqi and Kelly Wang
2023年10月04日 11:40
Amid growing concerns about the suffering that extraction causes the animals, the government has supported research into synthetic substitutes, but regulations are hampering the registration of alternatives to what some have dubbed ‘medicinal gold’
An Asiatic Black Bear in September 2022. Photo: VCG

On a stifling summer’s day in June, after driving through dense forest along the eastern border of South China’s Guangdong province, Caixin’s reporter arrived at Raoping Black Bear Farm.

The metal gates roll open to reveal a roughly 5,000-square-foot facility, around the size of two tennis courts housing some 100 mature black bears, each confined in an iron cage measuring around 1 cubic meter (35 cubic feet). The thumping sound of their 300-pound bodies colliding with the bars of the cages fills the air.

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责任编辑: Kelly Wang | 版面编辑:喻竹杨洋



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