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Cover Story: Qinghai Has an Ocean of Solar Power, but Nowhere to Store It

By Fan Ruohong, Zhao Xuan and Denise Jia
2024年01月08日 08:41
The far western Chinese province has seen a rush on investment in the green energy source, but a lack of money spent on storage facilities means it has too much power at some times, too little at others

High on the Tibetan Plateau in western China’s Qinghai province, a sea of solar panels stretches out across 345 square kilometers, making it the world’s largest photovoltaic power park. With another nearly 265 square kilometers of new panels set to be installed, the state-owned solar park in Gonghe County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, will soon occupy an area nearing the size of Chicago.

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责任编辑:Richard | 版面编辑:喻竹杨洋
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