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In Depth: Chinese Customers Sold on ‘Elixir of Youth’ Despite Expert Warnings

By Fan Qiaojia, Wang Zipei and Kelly Wang
2024年06月12日 20:16
The global popularity of nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN, a product with supposed ‘anti-aging’ properties has soared, with China now the biggest source of materials used to make it and the largest customer
Despite lacking a breakthrough in human clinical trials, the global NMN market was estimated to grow to over $400 million by 2028, a market research firm predicted in 2022.

Chinese consumers have bought into the global craze for nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN, a product with supposed “anti-aging” properties that’s been touted by sellers as an “elixir of youth,” which has topped sales on cross-border e-commerce platforms in recent years.

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