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Cover Story: China Formally Enlists ‘Miracle’ Drug in Fight Against Ballooning Obesity Rate

By Cui Xiaotian, Jiang Moting and Denise Jia
2024年09月02日 08:50
New guidelines from a leading medical advisory body incorporating blockbuster medications such as Ozempic into more traditional weight loss treatments could change the lives of millions and bolster already soaring sales for drugmakers

Fang Xia, a 24-year-old woman, has faced a lifelong struggle with obesity, a condition that has plagued her both physically and psychologically. But like millions of others around the world, her life was turned around after taking semaglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analog that mimics a hormone that triggers a sense of fullness and helps overweight people shed the pounds.

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责任编辑:Richard | 版面编辑:喻竹杨洋



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