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In Depth: China Fleshes Out Telecom Fraud Rules to Ensure Punishments Fit the Crime

By Qin Jianxing and Guo Xin
2024年12月17日 14:19
New measures aim to standardize oversight to make enforcement fairer while plugging legal loopholes
Police display items involved in telecom fraud in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong province, Nov. 10, 2020. Photo: VCG

The part-time job ad promised to pay at least 1,000 yuan ($138), with the potential for more.

After seeing the ad in August 2023, a Sichuan province native we’re calling Luo Ye decided it was worth following up on. It led him to a meeting in a stranger’s car near a subway station in Sichuan’s capital of Chengdu. The person inside told Luo that they needed to use his bank card to “process transactions” to help online streamers avoid taxes.

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