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In Depth: How Shift to EVs Risks Sidelining Auto Parts Giants

By An Limin and Ding Yi
2024年12月18日 13:53
China’s rapid pivot is empowering carmakers and emerging software suppliers at the expense of parts giants such as Bosch and ZF, whose bundled solutions are in less demand
People photograph a prototype of CATL’s Freevoy Super Hybrid Battery on display at a company event in Beijing on Oct. 24. Photo: VCG

As China’s auto market pivots rapidly to new-energy vehicles (NEVs), the foreign parts-makers that have long held a leading role face being marginalized unless they can reshape their product portfolios.

The pressure on these legacy parts-makers comes from two key shifts — the greater role software now plays in defining drivers’ experience and NEVs’ hardware evolving away from using the parts they are world leaders in making.

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