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Former Top U.S. Trade Negotiator Warns of the Dangers of ‘Decoupling’

2019年09月27日 19:41 来源于 财新网
Robert Zoellick, ex-World Bank president, says tech split could be a disaster ‘not only for the two countries but for the world economy’
Robert Zoellick, a former president of the World Bank, speaks at Caixin Roundtable Singapore on Sept. 20. Photo: Caixin

A former top U.S. trade negotiator has warned that the U.S.-China struggle over technological supremacy could lead to a “decoupling” and a “tragedy” for the world economy.

Speaking at a Caixin roundtable in Singapore on Friday, Robert Zoellick, a former U.S. trade representative and president of the World Bank, said that “some members of the [Trump] administration” want to block China’s access to advanced American technology.




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