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Loan Shark Gang Pocketed $430 Million as It Drove 89 to Suicide

2021年03月29日 21:34 来源于 财新网
The group of predatory lenders in Northwest China used internet platforms to issue loans to 390,000 people, state media reported
Predatory lenders in Northwest China used shell companies and shady apps to lend over $1 billion at sky-high interest rates to nearly 400,000 people, driving many to suicide. Photo: VCG

The predatory lending of a Northwest China gang led to the criminals illegally pocketing 2.8 billion yuan ($428 million) and driving 89 people to commit suicide, according to a recent state media report.

China’s law enforcement bodies have been cracking down on such practices for several years, going after criminal loan sharks and the big data companies that have helped them gather borrowers’ personal information.

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