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In Depth: China’s ‘Land Commissioner’ Proposes Reforms to the Land System to Aid Development

By Zhang Yichuan and Denise Jia
2024年03月07日 03:34
Economics professor suggests expanding urban access to rural collective land and removing restrictions on cross-provincial land quota transfers
Cai Jiming

As Beijing kicks off the annual national legislative meetings known as the “Two Sessions,” China’s economy faces a pivotal moment. How will it maintain its growth? Insights from a range of experts have led to three conclusions: China’s growth potential is strong; proactive policies are essential; and there is a continued need for deepening reforms and expanding openness. This was emphasized at the February meeting of the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, which focused on advancing reform strategies to address development challenges and future risks.

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责任编辑:Richard | 版面编辑:喻竹杨洋



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